Call For Papers 2021


Paradoxes, Oxymorons and Defying Constructs in the French and Francophone World


Deadline for Article Submission: March 14, 2021


PRIZES FOR BEST PAPERS: 1st $150, 2nd $100



Human existence as we know it is characterized by contradictions and inconsistencies. This volume of the American Journal of French Studies is seeking manuscripts that touch on phenomena such as contradictions, paradoxes, oxymorons and defying constructs—both literal and symbolic— in the French and Francophone world from the Middle Ages to today for a special edition of the journal.


The aim of this publication will be to gather academic articles by scholars whose work touches on interesting contradictions and conflicts that characterize French and Francophone societies. These paradoxes and contradictions may be more or less obvious, but nonetheless are omnipresent in our lives. Some may be trivial and inoffensive, while others may reveal harsh inequalities and jarring disadvantages. The fact that contradictions, paradoxes, oxymorons by definition involve two seemingly incompatible, unconventional parts, make them especially intriguing and thought-provoking.


We invite submissions that address and expand on phenomena such as contradictions, paradoxes, oxymorons and defying constructs, following your own interpretation of these themes and issues. We encourage papers from a variety of disciplines, including, but not limited to:


  • French and Francophone Studies, Literature, Linguistics, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Architecture, Politics, International Relations, Women & Gender Studies, Poetry, Theatre, Rhetoric, Semantics, Musicology, Film Studies, Art History, Critical Identity Studies, to name a

  • Articles will be subject to a blind peer review editing